• Book Reviews
  • Conversations
  • Interviews

Recommended Books (Summer 2024)

As summer begins to draw toward its conclusion, we would like to share some...

Recommended Books (Spring 2024)

Setting plans for your summer vacation, and need some good reads to take...

Recommended Books (Winter 2024)

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday with family nearby and gifts...

A Free Will Baptist Looks at John Piper’s All that Jesus Commanded

An Overview of the Book While John Piper’s All that Jesus Commanded:...

Recommended Books (Autumn 2023)

Beautiful autumn days beckon us to spend our afternoons and evenings out of...

Recommended Books (Summer 2023)

The dog days of summer have been punishing this year in much of the United...

Forming Hearts through Stories: A Review of Tending the Heart of Virtue, by Vigen Guroian

In an earlier essay, I lauded the benefits of teaching catechisms to young...

HSF Conversations: “Tell Me About Your Sermon Prep” with Corey Minter

In this episode of HSF Conversations, we discuss sermon preparation with...

HSF Conversations: Teacher, Scholar, Shepherd with Owens and Talbot

In today’s Conversations post, Phillip Morgan speaks with Jesse F. Owens...

HSF Conversations: Teacher, Scholar, Shepherd with Morgan and Bracey

This past week, Teacher, Scholar, Shepherd: Essays in Honor of Robert E....

HSF Conversations: Tell Us About Your Sermon Prep with Ed Goode and Daniel Mann

In this episode of HSF Conversations, we continue our occasional series...

HSF Conversations: On Homeschooling

In this episode of HSF Conversations, contributor and associate editor...

HSF Conversations: On Feminism and Womanhood with Carrie Gress

In this episode of HSF Conversations, we are delighted and honored to talk...

HSF Conversations: “Tell Us About Your Sermon Prep” with Jeff Manning

In this episode of HSF Conversations, we ask Dr. Jeff Manning to tell us...

Interviews on Christians in Culture

Last year three members from the HSF were involved in the publication of...

Interview on Artificial Intelligence with Eddy Wu

Artificial Intelligence is a hot topic. Since the turn of the century and...

Interview about F. Leroy Forlines’s “Secularism and the American Republic”

Last week we published a book review of F. Leroy Forlines’s newest...

Maximizing the Midsize Church: An Interview with David Peter

How big is your church? This question has been asked of all pastors by...

The Church’s Response to the Opioid Epidemic: An Interview with Daniel Edwards

From 1999 to 2017, more than 700,000 people died from drug overdoses. In...

Cultural Apologetics: An Interview with Paul M. Gould

For the past two millennia, Christians have sought to articulate their...

Faithful and Fractured: An Interview on the Clergy Health Crisis (Part II)

The first part of the interview posted earlier this week.  Jackson: Jason,...


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