40 Questions About Arminianism by J. Matthew Pinson (Kregel Academic, 2022)

Reviewed by Dustin Walters

In 40 Questions About Arminianism, author J. Matthew Pinson[1] has written a “survey of Arminianism that is more didactic than polemical, but which every reader will see engages at times in hard-edged debate” with scholars from differing perspectives.[2] This book examines “what brings all Arminians together” and is biblically, historically, and doctrinally satisfying.[3] Some might wonder why issues over doctrine matter in an age when Christians should seek unity to advance the gospel. Doctrinal debates are relevant because one’s beliefs invariably impact practice. What you believe about the doctrine of salvation has significant implications for every other area of life.

This book helps locate Arminianism within the broader Reformed spectrum of theological interest. Pinson engages Jacobus Arminius’s thought with clarity and conviction, writing in an academic yet pastoral tone. This book will certainly become a treasure-trove for the reader interested in this topic and must be consulted in future dialogue between Calvinists, Arminians, and Wesleyans. In this review, I will provide a summary of the book before my analysis and recommendation.

Book Summary

40 Questions About Arminianism is divided into five parts through which the author exposes the reader to the actual thought of Arminius, challenging the caricatures of his thought that have become popular in our day. Pinson captivates the reader’s attention in the introduction and maintains it throughout the book. This work encourages irenic and faithful debate about the issues most important to Arminians.

40 Questions About Arminianism complements the entire series by Kregel, which will benefit students from all perspectives. A summary of each part is formative for understanding the content of this book.

Part 1: Introductory and Historical Questions

In part one, the author introduces the reader to Arminianism, Calvinism, and the broader Reformed tradition. Pinson answers questions about who Arminius was (ch. 1), who the Remonstrants were, and how Arminius’s thought compares with Calvinism and Wesleyanism (chs. 3–5). One of the greatest contributions Pinson makes in this section is that he nuances the category of Reformed to include both Calvin and Arminius.

Pinson’s identification of Arminius as “Reformed” might surprise some readers who incorrectly assume that he signified a radical departure from the Reformation of the sixteenth century. The author observes that Arminius affirmed two old standards, the Belgic Confession and the Heidelberg Catechism, which Pinson notes historically separated those within the Reformed tradition from those without. Consider this excerpt from the book:

So the “Reformed” in “Reformed Arminianism” need not be only about what it means to be in a state of grace. It can also encompass classic Reformed thought on the effect total depravity has on one’s epistemology, approach to culture, and need for special revelation for knowledge of God and how he wants to be worshiped and served in his church. It is about a broadly Reformed kingdom eschatology and the way that impacts how one views the transforming impact Christianity can have on worldview, on culture, on knowledge, on the academic disciplines, and on human flourishing.[4]

That selection demonstrates Pinson’s fidelity to excellent scholarship and powerfully argues that one can be Reformed and Arminian. I share that long quote in this review to garner interest and appreciation for the book.

Part 2: Questions About the Atonement and Justification

The second part of the book (chs. 9–14) introduces the reader to two aspects of Arminius’s soteriology: the nature and extent of the atonement.

Pinson not only addresses Arminius’s thought on these important matters but also interacts with what later Arminians thought on these matters. Chapter 10 answers the question, “What have later Arminians believed about penal substitution?” This chapter highlights figures like Thomas Grantham, John Goodwin, John Wesley, and the General or Free Will Baptist tradition. Pinson concludes the chapter by stating, “While Arminius held to a Reformed view of penal substitutionary atonement, most Arminians after him moved away from this view.”[5]

Part 3: Questions About Free Will and Grace

In part three (chs. 15–26) the author explains how Arminius rejected the notions of Pelagianism and semi-Pelagianism. Topics like free will and grace are sure to attract the attention of the reader. Pinson responds to key questions such as, “Are Arminians Semi-Pelagians who deny total depravity?” (ch. 15), “Does Arminianism detract from God’s glory?” (ch. 18), and “What do Arminians believe about universal prevenient grace?” (ch. 21), among other helpful clarifying questions.

Part 4: Questions About Election and Regeneration

In part four (chs. 27–32), the author explains Arminius’s views on election and regeneration. This section includes a reflection on key biblical passages such as Ephesians 1:4–11 (ch. 27), Romans 8:28–30 (ch. 28) and Romans 9 (ch. 29). In chapter 24, entitled “Does the Bible teach that people can resist God’s grace?” Pinson says, “This idea that God is repeatedly giving people an opportunity to come to him, giving them the grace to do so, and that the reason they do not is not his design but simply that they are resisting the grace he has given them, is the thrust of the Bible.” [6]

Part 5: Questions About Perseverance and Apostasy

The final section of the book (chs. 33–40) addresses the topics of the believer’s perseverance and the possibility of apostasy. These chapters provide the reader with an awareness of the different responses that the Calvinist, the Reformed Arminian, and the Wesleyan Arminian offer regarding the believer’s security. One poignant quotation stands out:

Thus one might say that the difference between Reformed Arminians and Calvinists is not on the nature of justifying faith but its extension. Calvinists believe that if one experiences justifying faith, that faith will, of necessity, extend to the end of life. Reformed Arminians believe, on the contrary, that the extension of one’s justifying faith to the end of life is not guaranteed. [7]



This work demonstrates Pinson’s commitment to excellence and clear communication. 40 Questions exposes readers to Arminius’s thought, locates Arminius within the broader Reformed tradition, and interacts with key biblical passages pertinent to the Calvinism-Arminianism debate. The chapters of the book build on one another, yet each chapter can also be consulted in a stand-alone format. Bible college and seminary students will also appreciate the chapter summaries that precede reflection questions.


The reader should recognize that 40 Questions About Arminianism, being published by Kregel Academic, is academically rigorous and not written at a popular level.[8] Even so, Pinson writes so well that motivated laypersons could also benefit from this book. Additionally, this book is intended to be processed with careful thought and meditation and will likely require more time from the reader than some are willing to give. This reviewer notes no limitations with Pinson’s thesis, structure, or depiction of Arminius’s thought.

Conclusion and Final Recommendation

40 Questions About Arminianism conveys what brings all Arminians together winsomely. The author’s commitment to biblical, historical, and doctrinal faithfulness is evident throughout the book. Arminian pastors, students, and lay persons will benefit the most from this work, even though non-Arminians will also benefit from this resource. I am happy to give this book five out of five stars for its readability, scholarly integrity, and irenic approach.

About the Author: Dustin Michael Walters, an Alabama native, lives in Antioch, Tennessee. He is engaged to Laci Beasley of Chandler, Indiana, and will be married in October 2022. Dustin attends Rejoice Free Will Baptist Church, where he serves as Connections Pastor. Dustin works at Welch College where he serves as a recruiter for Welch Divinity School. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Ministry degree from Welch College (2016). Dustin began pursuing his M.Div. in 2015 at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, spent a semester at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, and is currently enrolled as a student with eight courses remaining in his M.Div. program at Welch. Dustin has previously served as a guest contributor at the Hewlys Society Forum. He currently serves as the HSF’s social media manager and recently joined the team of regular contributors. His interests include reading, hammocking, preaching, and making conversations with friends over a cup of coffee.

[1] J. Matthew Pinson serves as Welch College’s fifth president. He holds degrees from Welch College, the University of West Florida, Yale University, and Vanderbilt University. Pinson has authored numerous books and articles including Perspectives on Christian Worship (B&H), Classical Arminianism (Randall House), and Arminian and Baptist (Randall House). https://matthewpinson.com/about/.

[2] J. Matthew Pinson, 40 Questions About Arminianism, ed. Benjamin Merkle (Grand Rapids: Kregel Academic, 2022), 13.

[3] Ibid., 14.

[4] Ibid., 60.

[5] Ibid., 96.

[6] Ibid., 225. Pinson interacts with Steve Lemke’s “A Biblical and Theological Critique of Irresistible Grace” in this summary statement.         

[7] Ibid., 360 (emphasis in original).

[8] One of Pinson’s contributions to the Reformed Arminian movement is that he demonstrates the logical feasibility of Arminianism. This reviewer appreciates the academic rigor of the book. 

Author: Dustin Walters

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