A Challenge from a Young Pastor to Young Ministry Students

A Challenge from a Young Pastor to Young Ministry Students

To a young ministry student, You are entering into an exciting time in your ministry journey. A few years ago, maybe in a meeting with your pastor or during a youth event, you sensed a call from God to ministry. Or maybe it was more recent, and you have been slowly trying to discern whether you “desire such an office.” Nevertheless, you are here now and training to be a pastor in a local congregation. In my own experience, this period...

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The Church as the Plausibility Structure

The Church as the Plausibility Structure

“You might be the only Bible that someone ever reads.” This phrase has been repeated in youth group rooms and from pulpits across our country. The sentiment is good. It is a reminder for individual Christians to take seriously a biblical ethic. If believers claim to believe the Bible is true, then they should follow it so that their lives would reflect that truth. Moreover, non-Christians often will not start with the Bible in their...

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Back to the Basics of Theological Youth Ministry

Back to the Basics of Theological Youth Ministry

As I have stated in a variety of places, youth ministry has experienced a significant shift in the past decade or two. Youth ministry, at least from my perspective, has become more theological and thoughtful in the last five-to-ten years as demonstrated by organizations and podcasts like the Youth Pastor Theologian, Rooted Ministry, D6 Academic, and Youth Ministry Institute at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. One could also...

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Teaching Apologetically

Teaching Apologetically

I have written a fair amount over the years on the importance not only of teaching theology but also of teaching (and living) theologically in relation to youth ministry. I want to encourage youth pastors (and all pastors) always to have a mind toward the theological truth behind what they are teaching. How does one teach in a form that effectively respects and represents the important content they are communicating? It is this...

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Being Constructive About Deconstruction

Being Constructive About Deconstruction

I have had plenty of reasons to walk away from the faith, or really to never have begun it. If you will excuse a personal account, I grew up in a household that did not put an emphasis on Christianity and the truth of Scripture. My family went to church from time to time, but whatever commitment to the faith we displayed by attending church on Sunday was often neglected that following Monday. So, when I heard the gospel and confessed...

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