Proving the Existence of Apologetics
Shortly after my conversion, I became enamored with apologetics, like many Christians my age. I would drive twenty minutes to the nearest Christian bookstore to survey their shelves in the hope of finding a new volume to catch my eye. As a sixteen-year-old, I remember purchasing and reading through Josh McDowell’s 743-page tome Evidence for Christianity. I was hooked. I knew I had confidence in my newfound faith, but I wanted more...
Says Who? Trusting Our Hearts, Heads, or Something Else Entirely
An earlier edition of this article was first published in The Brink Magazine, Spring 2017. Invariably, when I watch a Disney Channel movie (not that I do, anymore), I’ll hear one line shoehorned into every single film: “Just follow your heart.” The charge is always the same: Do what your feelings tell you to do, no matter the cost. Even outside of kid’s movies, we watch made-for-TV movies, fairytales, and romantic comedies that all...
Preaching: A Review
Mark Dever rightly notes, “Right preaching of God’s word is central to the church’s worship, forming its basis and core.”[1] It is the main role and responsibility of an elder of the local church to study and preach God’s Word. Paul tells young Timothy to “preach the word” (2 Tim. 4:2) and to “do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Tim....
The Family Life of the Christian Leader: A Book Review
Part of the task of the pastor is not only to mine out unfamiliar truths for his people, which is indispensable (Mt. 28:18-19; 2 Tim. 2:15, 3:16; Heb. 4:12), but also to call them to remember truths that they already knew to be true. Part of the human condition is that we suffer from a certain “spiritual amnesia,” forgetting the vital truths of God in our lives and regressing into the nature of our old self. Therefore, the pastor,...
The Church and Home: Partners and Parallels (Part II)
In last Monday’s post, we investigated what family ministry looks like in the home. We considered what the Bible says about the nuclear family, and how that theological truth affects our homes. However, family ministry does not stop there. While we may experience the most wonderful family worship in between the four walls of our homes, we’re missing an important component if our families and we are not integrated into the life of the...
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