The Shallows, TikTok, and Our Brains

The Shallows, TikTok, and Our Brains

by Anna Pinson In The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, Nicholas Carr argues that the Internet has physically changed the brains of human beings in a way that reflects the nature of the tool, causing extreme distraction, worsened memories, and shallower intelligence. To prove his point, Carr compares the modern computer- and Internet-based culture to the preceding book-based culture of the West, tracing the history...

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What Has Ararat to Do with Asia Minor?

What Has Ararat to Do with Asia Minor?

by Ed Goode Applying the imagery in the Song of Solomon to the relationship between God and His church, it tells us that the Lord sees His church being as “beautiful as the moon, bright as the sun, awesome as an army with banners” (6:10, ESV). However, we are sometimes tempted to doubt this depiction when we walk into a meeting house to find weak coffee, ordinary people, and a minister who might be doing his best but cannot hold a...

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Walking Humbly: The Essential Role of Meekness in the Life of the Believer

Walking Humbly: The Essential Role of Meekness in the Life of the Believer

by Sarah Lovett In the pursuit of knowledge, Christians face the temptation of pride in their intellectual powers. However, a clear awareness of their depravity should lead believers to see that all of their knowledge is merely an extension of God’s grace. In fact, because of humankind’s fall into sin, men and women need the redemption of their minds, hearts, and wills. Consequently, given the reality of humankind’s fallenness,...

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Frugality: A Habit for the Steward

Frugality: A Habit for the Steward

by Sarah Lytle Lydia Maria Child called extravagance “the prevailing evil of the present day” in 1828.[1] Her book The American Frugal Housewife taught families how to live within their means. After reading that book, I began to consider the relationship between frugality, as Lydia Maria Child named it, and Biblical stewardship. Over the past few years, I have become interested in nineteenth-century cookbooks and other books written...

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The Whole Counsel of God: A Strategy For Preaching All Scripture

The Whole Counsel of God: A Strategy For Preaching All Scripture

by Daniel Mann I did not have a good plan for preaching when I first became a pastor.[1] My first pastorate began on the first Sunday meeting of a church plant. I preached a few topical series that were foundational and useful for our church, but I had not thought carefully enough about how my approach to preaching would shape our church. From the pulpit, I would often state that our church believes that all Scripture, from Genesis to...

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