Examining the Language of “Foreknowledge” in the New Testament

Examining the Language of “Foreknowledge” in the New Testament

Christian Doctrines is one of my favorite courses to teach at Welch College. This course introduces students to the core doctrines of the Christian faith from a Reformed Arminian and Free Will Baptist perspective. One of my favorite lectures to give concerns the doctrines of foreknowledge, election, and predestination. Some (not all) of my Arminian and Calvinist students alike are surprised when I tell them I believe in these...

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Portraits of Jesus from the Book of Revelation

Portraits of Jesus from the Book of Revelation

Reflections from Life I remember the joy with which I consumed the Word of God as a teenager. It was new, it was exciting, and it was instructive. I also remember the important role that Bible reading plans played in helping me get through all sixty-six books and in teaching me about the importance of consistent Bible reading. Even so, one downside of those plans (for me) was that I was unable to linger over individual passages...

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HSF Conversations: Reflection on the Election

HSF Conversations: Reflection on the Election

In this episode of HSF Conversations, Matthew Steven Bracey and Phillip T. Morgan reflect on the 2024 presidential...

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Reflections on the Purposes of Marriage

Reflections on the Purposes of Marriage

I was privileged this past May to officiate a wedding, my third such occasion. I am so grateful to the happy couple who asked me, who I consider dear friends. After introducing the service and singing some great hymns of the faith, I preached a homily that was meant to instruct, encourage, and inspire, before leading them in the exchanging of vows and rings. In this post, I share an adaptation of my homily, which reflected on four...

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The Path to Human Happiness: Fear God and Keep His Commandments

The Path to Human Happiness: Fear God and Keep His Commandments

Life can be incredibly fun and meaningful, and it can be incredibly hard and frustrating. Sometimes we feel great, and sometimes we feel deeply discouraged. Sometimes we believe we make a difference, and sometimes we wonder whether we matter at all. In many ways, such conflicting feelings describe the human condition. In this article, I reflect on the interplay of these ideas in the book of Ecclesiastes. On one hand, the Teacher, the...

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