Scalia: Man of Faith (Part II of II)

In the previous article, we introduced the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, offering an overview of his life, and examining his contribution to the Court. But just as Scalia took his family, the law, and friendship seriously, he also took his faith seriously. He was a man of deep and enduring faith. As Edward Whelan puts it, it “sustained” him.[i] Or as John L. Allen Jr. remarks, his faith was “a defining element of his...

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Scalia: Man of the Law (Part I of II)

“Politics aside, we should all die full of years, with 28 grandchildren, in our sleep after quail hunting.”[1] Ross Douthat tweeted that after the late Antonin “Nino” Scalia passed away in February 2016 at seventy-nine. Scalia will be remembered most as a conservative United States Supreme Court Justice, serving the Court for nearly thirty years. But this witty, larger-than-life figure was also a devoted family man, a memorable...

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The Trinity by Olson and Hall: A Review

The Trinity by Olson and Hall: A Review

I shall lightlier and sooner draw all the water of the sea and bring it into this pit than thou shalt bring the mystery of the Trinity and his divinity into thy little understanding as to the regard thereof; for the mystery of the Trinity is greater and larger to the comparison of thy wit and brain than is this great sea unto this little pit.       A child reportedly spoke these words to Saint Augustine in regards to the doctrine of...

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Responding to Intolerance: World Transformation

Increasingly we find ourselves in a society that treats us with hostility for our Christian convictions.* What do we do? How do we respond? First, we allow the gospel to transform our lives, impacting our heads, hearts, and hands, as the saying goes (see Responding to Intolerance: Life Transformation). However, salvation is about more than our personal redemption; it’s about the renewal of the world. Thus we respond to intolerance by...

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Responding to Intolerance: Life Transformation

Increasingly we find ourselves in an America that doesn’t share our Christian beliefs.[1] In fact, it doesn’t simply not share them; it refuses even to tolerate them. The Obergefell decision has recently held that the Fourteenth Amendment protects so-called same-sex marriage rights, further pitting sexual freedom against religious freedom. And now courts jail those who refuse to issue marriage licenses, while also finding Christian...

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