2015 ERLC Conference: Review and Reflection
On Wednesday, August 6, 2015, two HSF contributors, Matthew Bracey and Phillip Morgan, attended the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) National Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. The conference theme, “The Gospel and Politics,” was much welcomed, especially post-Obergefell (the decision that granted marriage rights to same-sex couples). In this post, we’ll offer a summary and analysis of the day’s events. Morning Session...
Augustine and the Problem of Evil
Through the centuries and millennia, many have discussed some version of the so-called problem of evil. Usually it goes something like this: “If God is all-good, all-knowing, and all-powerful, why does evil exist? Is He malevolent or just impotent?” This is the question of theodicy. Theologians, philosophers, and ethicists have offered all kinds of responses. Augustine stands as an important figure in this discussion. Living from 354...
Athanasius on the Holy Spirit (Part II)
“Who is the Holy Spirit, and what is He like?” These are the questions toward which we directed our attention in Part I. In this article, we ask a different question: “What does He do?” In other words, we move from discussing the Spirit’s person to considering His work. In particular, we’ll examine His activity regarding believers and the church. As we think toward these topics, we must first remember that the Spirit is the third...
Athanasius on the Holy Spirit (Part I)
The Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. For nearly two millennia, orthodox Christians have affirmed this doctrine. The Trinity contains perfect unity and perfect distinction; and each member is co-equal and co-eternal. Indeed, this is a great mystery! Yet if any one member of the Trinity receives the least of our attention, I suspect it is the Spirit. Who is He, and what is His role in the triune Godhead?...
From Goofs to Glory
Have you as a church leader ever stepped in front of a congregation to discover that things aren’t going as expected? Perhaps something didn’t quite come out right in your preaching or teaching; or you began playing a song in the wrong key, or your instrument was out of tune. Whatever the mishap, we’ve all been there at some point. And usually our only option is to grit our teeth and get through it. We may feel embarrassment,...
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