Jacobus Arminius: On Predestination & Election (Part 2 of 2)
In Monday’s post, we introduced Arminius’ theology of election. We began by defining it as God’s eternal decree, according to His good pleasure, with its basis in Christ. We considered the important role of Trinitarian grace in Arminius, which takes all boasting away from man. Finally, we examined Arminius’ view of foreknowledge, which speaks to the fact rather than the cause of a given event. Thus established, we now consider what...
Jacobus Arminius: On Predestination & Election
During the month of June 2014, the Helwys Society Forum (“HSF”) is emphasizing General Baptist writers, works, and ideas. Free Will Baptists who take their spiritual heritage seriously must embrace the privilege and responsibility to know who our leaders were (and are) and what they taught (and teach). Thus far, Forum contributors have considered Thomas Helwys’ A Short and Plaine Proof and A Short Declaration of the Mystery of...
Martin Luther on the Holy Spirit
If there is one member of the triune Godhead that Protestants tend to know the least about, it is the Holy Spirit. Martin Luther, the central figure who gave impetus to the Protestant Reformation, discussed the Holy Spirit by emphasizing His role as an Intercessor in these ways: “The Holy Ghost has two offices. First, He is a Spirit of grace, that makes God gracious unto us, and receives us as His acceptable children, for Christ’s...
Reading the Christian Spiritual Classics: A Review
Goggin, Jamin and Kyle Strobel (eds.). Reading the Christian Spiritual Classics: A Guide for Evangelicals. Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2013. 332 pp. (paperback). Have you ever tried to read a “Christian classic,” only to walk away confused? Perhaps your complaint was that the text was difficult to read and understand, or boring, or just plain weird. Or perhaps you understood it fine; you just couldn’t comprehend why it has received...
The Habit of Being of One Mind with God
Here is a helpful reminder of one author’s definition of holiness: “Holiness is the habit of being of one mind with God…It is the habit of agreeing with God’s judgment—hating what He hates—loving what He loves—and measuring everything in this world by the standard of His Word…A holy man will endeavor to shun every known sin, and to keep every known commandment. He will have a decided bent of mind toward God, a hearty desire to do His...
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