A Word on our Present Persecution

A Word on our Present Persecution

From the culture, media, and public square, we Christians are increasingly experiencing ridicule, hatred, and persecution. Here is a sobering reminder from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Christian who lived from 1906 to 1945, who also received persecution, and was even (many would say) martyred: The messengers of Jesus will be hated to the end of time. They will be blamed for all the divisions which rend cities and homes. Jesus and his...

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From Rebellion to Reverence

Appear before the Queen of England and you will quickly discover a clear list of dos and don’ts [1]. Call it royal etiquette. For instance, you stand when she enters the room. You don’t speak, unless first spoken to. If spoken to, you address her in a proper manner worthy of Her Majesty. You certainly don’t initiate physical contact. If she deems your hand fit to shake, your handshake should be brief. You also dress in a particular...

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A People Zealous of Good Works

A People Zealous of Good Works

Thomas Shepard was a Puritan in colonial New England, who lived from 1605 until 1649. He ties the “good works” question to Christ’s blood in this way: Christ shed his blood that he might purchase unto himself a people zealous of good works, not to save our souls by them, but to honor him. O, let not the blood of Christ be shed in vain! Grace and good works are a Christian’s crown; it is sin only that makes a man base. Now, shall a...

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Doubt in the Spiritual Life

Doubt in the Spiritual Life

George MacDonald was a Scottish preacher and author, whose writings played a significant role in C.S. Lewis’ conversion. Here is what he says about spiritual doubt: “[F]or a man may be haunted with doubts, and only grow thereby in faith. Doubts are the messengers of the Living One to the honest. They are the first knock at our door of things that are not yet, but have to be, understood. . . . Doubts must precede every deeper...

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Christ & His Church

Christ & His Church

I recently came across this beautiful passage where Martin Luther remarks on Christ and His bride, the Church: “Here this rich and divine bridegroom Christ marries this poor, wicked harlot, redeems her from all her evil, and adorns her with all His goodness. Her sins cannot now destroy her, since they are laid upon Christ and swallowed up by Him. And she has that righteousness in Christ, her husband, of which she may boast as of...

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