President Donald John Trump: Now What?

By now, we’ve all heard the surprising results of the election: Republican Donald John Trump will be the forty-fifth United States President. With all of the dissatisfaction and controversy, who would have thought that he would win the presidency? Yet, call it what you will—rural v. urban, nationalist v. populist, or whatever—here we are. Sizing Up the Situation In the history of our republic, we’ve only had five other presidents with...

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The Ethics of Voting: A Christian Proposal

American citizenship is not a chance designation.[1] It’s the intentional calling of a sovereign God to those who have it. When and where we find ourselves living life is no surprise to God. Part of the Christian’s task in discipleship is discerning how best to fulfill this responsibility. While everyone can’t do everything, we can all do something: we can vote. Considering the Contest One of the first questions we have to consider is...

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Losing Our Souls: The Neglect of the Liberal Arts

In the past century, the liberal arts have come upon hard times. For some, they’re just not that useful for vocational success. For others, they’re associated with a harmful cultural elitism of the West. However, these critiques, and others like them, are neither quite right nor fair. Whatever our cultural or ethnic or socioeconomic background, and whatever our vocational realities or aspirations, the liberal arts are important. Far...

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A Supreme Decision?

* On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States announced its decision for Obergefell v. Hodges. It found that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marriage under the Fourteenth Amendment, and that all states must recognize this right. Justice Kennedy wrote the majority opinion, with Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan joining in. Chief Justice Roberts, and Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito issued four...

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Legacy of Scalia

Legacy of Scalia

Consider what fans and critics alike have said about Antonin Scalia: “He was a towering figure who will be remembered as one of the most important figures in the history of the Supreme Court and a scholar who deeply influenced our legal culture” (Samuel Alito, Supreme Court Justice).[i] “No one had more influence on the direction of a Supreme Court, maybe other than Chief Justice Marshall, than Justice Scalia had” (Randy Barnett).[ii]...

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