Giving Thought to Giving Birth
As I near the third trimester of my second pregnancy, I find myself immersed in the world of maternity care once again. Pregnancy is a very tangible way to meditate on the already/not yet paradox of the Kingdom of God: I have a baby, and also I have yet to have my baby. In all the dreaming and planning for the baby itself, it can be easy to overlook that pivotal transition: the having of the baby—labor and delivery (in Spanish, “the...
The Chief End of Man’s Education
The purpose of education is a complex issue. Christians have spent hundreds of years working through a biblical understanding of what the telos or end goal of education is. Some of the greatest minds of Christian history like Clement of Alexandria, Augustine of Hippo, and Thomas Aquinas wrote at length on the subject. Unfortunately, many Christians today have forgotten this long history of Christian thought and have allowed...
Give Him the Great Things: Catechizing the Next Generation
During the latter part of Queen Victoria’s reign, educational philosopher Charlotte Mason astutely observed, “The wonder that Almighty God can endure so far to leave the making of an immortal being in the hands of human parents is only matched by the wonder that human parents can accept this divine trust with hardly a thought of its significance.”[1] A bit harsh perhaps, especially considering that Mason never had any children...
Christ’s Work in Housework
I knew even from childhood that I wanted to be a mom; a stay-at-home mom; a homeschooling-stay-at-home mom. I knew that was an important job. After all, children are people! I wanted to be there for all the important moments of the little people’s lives, helping to shape them. However, what I never would have said I wanted to “grow up to be” is a homemaker. Now, I know that homemaking tends to come with the territory of childrearing....
The Princess and the Goblin: “Seeing Is Not Believing”
Stylistically, The Princess and the Goblin, by George MacDonald, is that type of classic children’s literature that instantly transports me to the green leather couch in my parents’ living room, my feet tucked cozily in a fleece blanket and my mother’s voice bringing in the tide of fairy tale scenes on the shore of my childhood imagination. When I recently listened to the public domain audio recording online, although the charm of my...
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