Recommended Books (Spring 2016)

Recommended Books (Spring 2016)

What makes a good piece of writing? Each of us could provide an extensive list of qualifications to answer this question. Our individual personalities each cry out for and are most deeply moved by any number of approaches to writing. Perhaps our inclination toward a particular genre is different from our spouse’s or a close friend’s, leaving us to wonder how they could be satisfied without such riches. Likely those same friends and...

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Recommended Books (Winter 2016)

Recommended Books (Winter 2016)

At the Helwys Society Forum we firmly believe that theology is for all of life. Leroy Forlines’s Biblical Ethics deftly explains how the four basic relationships (man with God, man with man, man with creation, and man with himself) are governed by the four basic values (holiness, love, wisdom, and ideals), bringing our entire life experience under God’s direction. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that many of our Winter 2016...

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Recommended Books (Autumn 2015)

Recommended Books (Autumn 2015)

Orthodoxy (right teaching) and orthopraxy (right actions) are ever present concerns and topics of discussion for Christians. The New Testament is replete with pleas for the church to protect the sound doctrine that had been handed down to them and to live in accordance with the Scriptures. One generation later, Clement of Rome (ad 95) rebuked the Corinthian church: though they used to have “[t]he commandments and the ordinances of the...

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D6 Conference Ticket Giveaway

Randall House, the Free Will Baptist publishing company, is hosting their annual D6 Family Ministry Conference on September 16-18 in Louisville, Kentucky. The conference theme for this year is “Refine”, taken from their theme verse of Ephesians 3:20-21. Randall House and the D6 team believe strongly in the implementation and practice of family ministry and generational discipleship in our local churches. According to D6, their...

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Free Will Baptist National Convention: Reflections from Grand Rapids

by the Helwys Society Forum This past week, over 3,000 Free Will Baptist (FWB) youth, parents, pastors, exhibitors, and church leaders converged on the beautiful northern city of Grand Rapids, Michigan for their 79th annual National Convention. While the overall attendance was down from the prior year, it was a noteworthy and significant event. Five of the six Forum contributors were among those attending, and we were blessed to...

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