Top Books Read in 2013
by the Helwys Society In a recent post, Forum contributors shared their favorite books from 2013. However, regular readers know that we believe that history often helps provide the best perspective on what is really significant. In that spirit, we also want to highlight select publications that weren’t published in 2013, but nevertheless were read and digested by our contributors in the past year. While some titles are still more...
Top Books Published in 2013
Each year, members of the Helwys Society have the opportunity to read and review many books. Insomuch that we find these books significant or useful, we try to bring that information to the attention of readers. In the next two posts, we intend to do that by highlighting our favorite books published in 2013, and then we’ll follow that by highlighting books from pre-2013 that we may have happened to read this year. We trust this will...
Announcement: Forum Contributor Publishes Book
For well over 50 years, the Evangelical Training Association (ETA) has been a reliable provider of biblically-based training materials and services. Based in the Chicago area, its influence is wide and touches numerous evangelical denominations. Free Will Baptists have been among the many the beneficiaries of ETA’s ministry. They have also provided some of its past leadership, including the late Dr. Jonathan Thigpen. Still more, Free...
2013 FWB National Convention: Reflections
Two weeks ago, nearly 5,000 Free Will Baptists from all over the world assembled in Tampa, Florida for the 77th National Association meeting. This year marked the tenth year since the meeting last went to Tampa. Once again, Convention attendees were greeted with warm weather and hospitality by members of the Florida State Association. Four of the six Forum contributors attended the four-day Convention. And while there is much to...
July 2013: Global Evangelism Month
All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age (Mt. 28:18-20). In some of His most definitive words, Jesus called His disciples to teach others the very things He had taught them during His...
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