Recommended Books (Summer 2020)
Words are powerful. In the beginning, God spoke the universe into existence and ordered it according to its kind. At the crux of history, the “Word became flesh” (Jn. 1:14), and through His Spirit all of our disordered desires are being refashioned into a new harmony that will be consummated when His name will be on our foreheads (Rev. 22:4) and all creation will have been reconciled to the Word (Col. 1:20). As image-bearers of God,...
Special Announcement: On Hiatus in July
The month of July is a month of celebration, vacation, and fun. It’s a month where our regular schedules are interrupted and life rhythms are changed. And it’s a month when many blogs, forums, vlogs, and the like take a break. Consequently, the Helwys Society Forum will go on hiatus for the remainder of the month of July. Please know that we are as committed as ever to bringing our readers solid, weekly content, and we are excited...
Recommended Books (Spring 2020)
What an odd spring we have all had! Amid all the clamor about viruses and social distancing, one of the unintended benefits of quarantine has been increased free time (at least for some of us). Let’s not waste such a moment with insipid social media scrolling, binge-watching old (or new) television series, or shallow reading (what Charlotte Mason referred to as twaddle). Instead, we should steward this moment well with good books and...
Some Publications from the First Ten Years
During this special, ten-year anniversary month, we’ve posted about the origins of the Helwys Society Forum and spotlighted featured content on the website. For this final post, we’d like to highlight some of the publications that have resulted from the efforts of regular contributors to the HSF. In some cases, the HSF served as a platform for early drafts of this content. We invite readers to purchase these publications, and we give...
Featured Content from the First Ten Years
Last week’s article shared reflections from the three founders of the Helwys Society Forum. In this week’s article, we’re calling attention to some of the most popular articles that HSF contributors, past and present, have published. Perhaps you read them when they first published, or perhaps you missed them. In either case, we believe they are worthy of your attention. We hope you enjoy them. Matthew Steven Bracey, “Jacobus Arminius:...
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