Near-death Experiences?
How should a person view death? Paul says death is the “last enemy to be destroyed” (1 Cor. 15:26). The writer of Hebrews says that Christ came to “deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery” (2:15). For some, the fear of death can be overwhelming, but Christians know that Christ defeated the “last enemy to be destroyed” This gives us hope. We often think about dying well. However, what does Scripture...
Identity in Christ and Sports
ESPN Films 30 for 30 is known for their excellent films over the last several years. Perhaps one of the best from this series is the documentary highlighting the life of Marcus Dupree. Marcus was a highly touted high school football player during the early 1980s who eventually played for the University of Oklahoma and the Los Angeles Rams. Marcus’s football career was cut short due to a knee injury that forced him to leave the game....
Understanding Gender Dysphoria: Book Review
Last November I had the opportunity to attend a lecture given by Dr. Mark Yarhouse[1] at an event sponsored by the Center for Faith and Culture at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.[2] Yarhouse is Professor of Psychology at Regent University. His topic was on how we should engage issues of gender identity with the gospel. This topic is so important because the church must be equipped in the areas of sexual ethics. Seven months...
The Ethics of Just War
In a world filled with terrorism and nuclear threats, the ethics of war and peace are as relevant as ever. For centuries, Christians have tried reconcile these two seemingly contradictory ideas, war and peace, through the Just War Theory. In this essay, we’ll see why most Christians through history have believed that free nations may use force against enemy threats. While Scripture says little about the actual means of warfare, it...
Dignity and Death: Part II
“How should Christians think about dying?” That is the question we considered in Part I. Additionally, we examined some historical considerations regarding physician-assisted suicide. We traced this issue from Dr. Kevorkian in the 1990s to the most recent form of legislation in California that allows physicians to prescribe medicine for terminally ill patients to end their own lives. In this essay, we’ll focus...
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