Homosexuality in Historical Perspective
On September 29, the Supreme Court began their new term by considering cases for their court docket. Many assumed that the justices would take at least one same-sex marriage case. The outcome of their case would have almost assuredly ruled in favor of a constitutional right to same-sex marriage that applies nationwide. However, on October 6 the Supreme Court announced that they would not be hearing any same-sex marriage cases. As...
Cultural Engagement According to Carl F.H. Henry
Twilight of a Great Civilization is a collection of essays put together due to the common theme that each one embraces. In one of the essays, We Are Warriors With A Mission In The World, Carl F.H. Henry is asking evangelicals to take seriously the mission of cultural engagement for the sake of Christ. “Christianity is qualitatively different or it has nothing distinctive to offer the world…Christian duty requires courageous...
Worldview, Ethics, and Engaging the Culture
In his classic book, The Knowledge of the Holy, A.W. Tozer says, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”[1] In a similar manner, Scripture tells us, “For as [a man] thinketh in his heart, so is he.”[2] To use a modern term, our “worldview” often serves as the basis upon which we make our momentary decisions in life. Specifically, answering the question, “How should we live?” requires...
Surviving Seminary
by Zachery Maloney Being in seminary creates a number of tensions in one’s life, namely in the area of time-management. How do we balance various commitments? Balance is not really a word that we find in Scripture, though it certainly seems like a spiritual concern. If we’re all honest, most days end up imbalanced. The seminary student must accept the fact that the challenge of finding balance will never disappear, even beyond...
Christians & the Environment: An Interview with Mark Liederbach
by Zach Maloney The Helwys Society Forum is pleased to have Zach Maloney contributing a special interview this week. Zach is the Pastor for Christian Education at Tippett’s Chapel FWB Church in Clayton, North Carolina. He is also a graduate student in ethics at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Southeastern Seminary happens to be home to one of the premier ethics programs among evangelical seminaries. One of their professors,...
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