Pursuing Graduate School in the United Kingdom

Pursuing Graduate School in the United Kingdom

Since 2017 I have been engaged in postgraduate studies through British universities. I have found that postgraduate degrees in the United Kingdom are much different from those offered in the United States. From the application process to the so-called “program” of study, the two systems differ significantly. In my experience it was very helpful to receive advice about these differences from students who had experience on both sides of...

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Textual Criticism and the Local Church

Textual Criticism and the Local Church

Textual criticism is nearly impossible to avoid in the local church context. Textual criticism involves the decisions scholars make concerning the most original form of a text based on the manuscript evidence for the Hebrew Old Testament or the Greek New Testament. Every pastor deals with text-critical decisions each week as he prepares his sermon. Even the average Christian encounters text-critical issues when he or she picks up a...

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What is the NET Bible?

What is the NET Bible?

A few weeks ago, a blog post from Logos Academic by Ben Witherington caught my attention.[1] It discussed a few examples of what the author deemed to be some of the best Bible translations currently available. One of the three he mentioned was the NET Bible (New English Translation). As someone who studies translation technique, I was interested in learning more about the NET Bible and its approach to translation, so I thought I would...

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Church Leadership Lessons from Malachi 2

Church Leadership Lessons from Malachi 2

In many ways, a leader’s competency can be assessed by the response of those he is leading. For example, a teacher’s competency to teach may be assessed by how well his or her students retain the information being taught in the classroom. If students learn the material and pass their exams, the teacher has probably done well educating his or her students. On the other hand, if nobody passes his or her exams, the teacher may not have...

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Book Review: Small Church Essentials: Field-Tested Principles for Leading a Healthy Congregation of Under 250

Book Review: Small Church Essentials: Field-Tested Principles for Leading a Healthy Congregation of Under 250

Small-church pastors often set out to read practical ministry books only to find that most of them are geared toward larger churches. The ideas they promote would not work in a smaller congregation, so the small-church pastor must take the general principle of what the book teaches and adapt them for his own setting. Of course, pastors of larger churches must also discern how to apply the principles set out in a book, since so much...

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