An Introduction to the Regulative Principle

Throughout both Old and New Testaments, Scripture make clear that God cares about how we worship. It’s not something He has left to us; rather, He has given us principles to follow. From the beginning God has been interested in how we worship Him. The first Scriptural occasion in which worship is mentioned is the Cain and Abel narrative. Abel’s worship was pleasing to God, but Cain’s was not. Perhaps the most explicit Old Testament...

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Book Review: Essential Eschatology

Book Review: Essential Eschatology

Since Jesus ascended, eschatology (or the study of “last things”) has been a major topic of conversation. As Christians, we eagerly await and anticipate Jesus’ coming. We often wonder when that time will occur. Over the centuries since the ascension, many predictions and much controversy have ensued concerning when this will occur. Into this discussion steps John E. Phelan Jr. with his newest book Essential Eschatology (IVP Academic...

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