Book Review: Christ in the Chaos: How the Gospel Changes Motherhood

Book Review: Christ in the Chaos: How the Gospel Changes Motherhood

by Ana Batts Nine months of pregnancy, or months (sometime years) walking the road to adoption, can never prepare you for motherhood. Before those bundles of joy are sleeping through the night, there are a thousand people telling you the “best” way to feed, clothe, diaper, and raise your baby. It doesn’t end when babies become toddlers, preschoolers, elementary age, or teenagers. There will always be people watching, making sure that...

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Robert Picirilli’s ‘Discipleship’: The Expression of Saving Faith: A Review Essay

Robert Picirilli’s ‘Discipleship’: The Expression of Saving Faith: A Review Essay

Discipleship is a term used quite often in the Christian community. Glance at a Christian publisher’s catalog and you’ll encounter books, small group studies, and countless other resources on the subject. Like any biblical term, we need reliable instruction to make sure we understand it. Free Will Baptists have few teachers more reliable than Dr. Robert Picirilli, long-time author, professor, and denominational leader. In Picirilli’s...

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The Abolition of Man: Education, Cultural Criticism, and Christian Thought

The Abolition of Man: Education, Cultural Criticism, and Christian Thought

Few authors have had as great an influence on Christian thought over the past century as C. S. Lewis. A convert to Christianity from a firm and convinced atheism, Lewis was one of the few exemplary writers who stood alone during the first half of the twentieth-century against the cresting tide of modernism and the deathly undertow of post-modernity. He taught English Literature at Oxford University, and chaired the Medieval and...

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Mapping the Origins Debate: A Book Review

A quick Google search for the word evolution will yield countless atheistic and naturalistic proponents encouraging readers toward their side of the argument. Equally true, a search for creationism will navigate you to an arena where “intelligent design” and “young earth” are buzz words. The debate (or war) between these two ideas is heated to say the least. While we as conservative, evangelicals have a rooted position here, it hasn’t...

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Between Two Worlds: Remembering A Modern Classic

Between Two Worlds: Remembering A Modern Classic

On Monday we were reminded of the need for Christ-centered, expository preaching. Bryan Chapell’s Christ-centered Preaching helped with understanding this crucial task. However, another modern classic helps place this kind of preaching in its historic and cultural context. Though published over 30 years ago, the late John R. W. Stott’s Between Two Worlds (Eerdmans, 1982) is a relevant guide for contemporary evangelical preaching. John...

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Christ-centered Preaching: Remembering A Modern Classic

Christ-centered Preaching: Remembering A Modern Classic

Preaching is a task (and privilege) that can always be improved upon. Homiletics professors can help with this. Listening critically to audio of our sermons, as painful as this can be, is often useful. Even wives are among preachers’ most helpful critics. Yet we can also benefit by reading and reflecting on the counsel of reliable theologians and homileticians. Bryan Chapell’s Christ-Centered Preaching and John Stott’s Between Two...

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