Recommended Books (Autumn 2023)
Beautiful autumn days beckon us to spend our afternoons and evenings out of doors. Amid all the hustle and bustle of daily life, especially if you have children in school or are in school yourself, it can be difficult to devote time to reading. But good books bring extra light into our lives and open new vistas of understanding about the world around us. So we recommend taking a book out to the porch swing or a favorite clearing in...
Recommended Books (Summer 2023)
The dog days of summer have been punishing this year in much of the United States. The extreme heat and, in the South, high humidity have strongly incentivized each of us to find shelter inside air-conditioned buildings. The increased time indoors before the crisp days of Autumn arrive provide us with some good opportunity for reading. Below, you will find reading suggestions from our group that come from a wide range of disciplines...
Forming Hearts through Stories: A Review of Tending the Heart of Virtue, by Vigen Guroian
In an earlier essay, I lauded the benefits of teaching catechisms to young children. Although I still stand by that piece, I have become convinced that stories—rather than sheer didactic teaching—are central to the shaping of our inner lives, characters, and understanding of God. I suspect that memorizing a catechism without the benefit of a story-formed heart will most likely produce a meager harvest. By God’s design, stories are at...
Recommended Books (Spring 2023)
Reading allows us to consult the broader wisdom of mankind as it works out ideas and beliefs in specific circumstances and reports back on the results. Authors from vastly different times and places can give us insight into the issues of our day, providing much-needed counsel to help us be wise as serpents. Below, you will find reading suggestions from our group that come from a wide range of disciplines and topics. We think these...
Book Review of F. Leroy Forlines’s “Secularism and the American Republic”
Forlines, F. Leroy. Secularism and the American Republic: Revisiting Thomas Jefferson on Church and State. Edited by Matthew Steven Bracey. Gallatin, TN: Welch College Press, 2022. F. Leroy Forlines remained committed to interdisciplinary study until the end of his life, and that is clear in his latest work, Secularism and the American Republic. This Arminian theologian of the twentieth century sought to provide Christians with a...
Recommended Books (Winter 2023)
Arctic storms, shortened daylight hours, and rainy/snowy weather forces us indoors during the cold winter months. Even as we appreciate and enjoy the austerity of this time of year, it also encourages us to look forward to spring and resurrection. So, as we fill the longer nights with family activities and time indoors, we have great opportunities to reach for new books. Below, you will find reading suggestions from our group that...
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