Recommended Books (Winter 2019)

Recommended Books (Winter 2019)

Many people find reading a difficult task. Their challenges often arise from unfamiliarity and lack of practice. However, time constraints and the constant demands of modern life also play a part in raising barriers to the practice of reading. With these things in mind, it is important to devote what little time and energy we can spare for reading to good books. We would like to recommend some of our favorite selections from the past...

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Words Fitly Written: A Review of Honey for a Child’s Heart

Words Fitly Written: A Review of Honey for a Child’s Heart

I imagine that very few HSF readers would disagree with the assertion that childhood in 2019 is different than childhood in, say, 1999. Speaking as one who was a child herself in 1999, I’m not sure that young Christa could even have imagined some of the changes we see now: “You mean that I can carry a little television around with me all the time, and I don’t need a videotape to watch my favorite shows?”“The internet is everywhere,...

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Who Is An Evangelical? A Review

Who Is An Evangelical? A Review

Who is an evangelical? That is a complex question. We often hear the term evangelical used today in reference to American politics, but that is a very narrow (one might say misguided) understanding of historical evangelicals and evangelicalism. In Who Is an Evangelical?, Thomas Kidd attempts to answer the question historically by tracing the roots of American evangelicalism from the eighteenth century through the election of Donald...

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Recommended Books (Autumn 2019)

Recommended Books (Autumn 2019)

As the cold North Wind begins to blow into our communities, we wrap up our last outdoor chores for the year and seek shelter inside as summer winds to an end. The extra hours inside provide a great time for reading individually and as a family. Listed below are several recommended books that we have particularly enjoyed over the past few months. We hope you will find something useful for your future reading. Please be sure to share...

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How We Get Our English Bible: A Review

How We Get Our English Bible: A Review

by Jacob Riggs How We Get Our English Bible: Understanding About Different VersionsRobert E. PicirilliRandall House, 2019ISBN: 9781614841050 Near the end of my reading this book I told my wife, “Next to God’s Word, this may be the most important book for every Free Will Baptist to read.” I said that, and still believe it, for three reasons: (1) some Free Will Baptist’s who are KJV-only (in the National Association of Free Will...

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Book Review: Between Life and Death

Book Review: Between Life and Death

Back in the fall of 2018, I was processing feelings of grief after losing my grandfather. He passed away at home surrounded by family and friends. I remember cherishing these final moments with him. In the days after his memorial service, I remember encountering the work of Kathryn Butler on Oceans Rise. I honestly can’t recall how I stumbled upon this blog, but her forthcoming book Between Life and Death caught my attention. I was...

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