Modern Technology and the Human Future: A Christian Appraisal

Modern Technology and the Human Future: A Christian Appraisal

(Note: An earlier version of this book review appeared on the Center for the Study of Ethics and Technology website) The world is changing quickly. The nature of the change varies from region to region, but behind these economic, social, and political “accelerations,” to use Thomas Friedman’s term, lays one unified force: modern technology. “Modern automatic machine technologies,” as author and professor Craig Gay states it, are...

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Recommended Books (Spring 2019)

Recommended Books (Spring 2019)

Whew! The school year is over, and everyone is ready to unwind. However, we shouldn’t allow ourselves to become complacent during down times. Our less constrained schedules allow us to focus on other areas of our lives. Students and teachers especially should take this opportunity to develop their minds and spirits at a more even pace. But regardless of your vocation, we have a few reading recommendations for you. We have found these...

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The Fourth Strand of the Reformation: A Review

The Fourth Strand of the Reformation: A Review

Evangelicals exist along a spectrum concerning their interest in ecclesiology. Some are largely disinterested in what the Bible says about how to structure the local church. Yet others express a revived interest in ecclesiology, which ministries such as 9Marks have deeply influenced in the Baptist world. Where we fall on this spectrum isn’t driven entirely by our soteriology either. We might be tempted to think that the interest in...

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Book Review: Reset by David Murray

Book Review: Reset by David Murray

by Zach Vickery We live in a culture that is constantly pushing us to more productivity. There’s never a shortage of self-help books and blogs full of hacks to make life easier and more productive. In some ways, this push is a good thing since it encourages us to be good stewards of the time God has given us. Since the Garden of Eden, God intended for humans to work. Scripture, especially the wisdom literature, gives us instruction on...

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Recommended Books (Winter 2019)

Recommended Books (Winter 2019)

The old PBS program Reading Rainbow opened with a song that argued that reading allows us to go anywhere and be anything, even if only for a moment. While PBS has aired more than its share of silliness, that point is important. Reading really does open whole new vistas for the reader and makes it possible for us to travel to distant lands and learn new ideas from the comfort of a favorite sitting chair. Words, in themselves, are...

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Recommended Books (Autumn 2018)

Recommended Books (Autumn 2018)

As we near the Christmas season, we begin searching for good gifts for our loved ones. Books provide an endless supply of unique and meaningful signs of our affection. Below you will find some of our most recent finds and old favorites that may be meaningful for you and those on your Christmas list. Some selections are classics of the Western literary tradition while others are fresh releases from popular, academic, and ministry...

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