HSF Conversations: Teacher, Scholar, Shepherd with Morgan and Bracey
This past week, Teacher, Scholar, Shepherd: Essays in Honor of Robert E. Picirilli went on sale. Edited by Phillip T. Morgan and Matthew Steven Bracey and published by D6 Family Ministry, this book seeks to honor Dr. Picirilli’s scholarly work over the past seven decades and encourage new scholarship by providing analysis of his various areas of research. It consists of twelve chapters written by Free Will Baptist scholars, including...
HSF Conversations: Tell Us About Your Sermon Prep with Ed Goode and Daniel Mann
In this episode of HSF Conversations, we continue our occasional series “Tell Us About Your Preaching” by discussing sermon preparation with pastors and church planters Ed Goode and Daniel Mann. Ed serves as pastor of the Bridge Church in Champaign, IL, and Daniel pastors the Living Hope Free Will Baptist Church in Skokie, IL. Tune in to hear Ed and Daniel discuss how they develop their sermons, how they choose resources...
HSF Conversations: On Homeschooling
In this episode of HSF Conversations, contributor and associate editor Rebekah Zuniga interviews Megan Morgan (wife of contributor Phillip Morgan) about her experience homeschooling her five children. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in special education, Megan went on to homeschool her first child starting at the preschool level. Now that her first is a fifth grader and since adding four more little ones to the mix, Megan...
HSF Conversations: On Feminism and Womanhood with Carrie Gress
In this episode of HSF Conversations, we are delighted and honored to talk with Dr. Carrie Gress. A homeschooling mother of five and fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington D.C., Dr. Gress holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from the Catholic University of America where she also serves as a scholar for the Institute of Human Ecology. She has written ten books and numerous articles for outlets such as Fox News, The Daily...
HSF Conversations: “Tell Us About Your Sermon Prep” with Jeff Manning
In this episode of HSF Conversations, we ask Dr. Jeff Manning to tell us how he goes about preparing his sermons. This episode is the first installment of a series of posts where we will ask pastors to tell us about their sermon prep. In this conversation, we discuss text selection, outlines, commentaries, and other key components in sermon...
HSF Conversations: On Education
In this episode of HSF Conversations, senior contributor and associate editor, Phillip Morgan, speaks with Dr. Stephen Beck about the complexities Christians face when deciding what kind of education to provide for their children—public, private, or homeschool. As the chairman of the Education Department at Welch College, with years of experience as an administrator in private Christian education, and experience with the public school...
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