Examining the Language of “Foreknowledge” in the New Testament
Christian Doctrines is one of my favorite courses to teach at Welch College. This course introduces students to the core doctrines of the Christian faith from a Reformed Arminian and Free Will Baptist perspective. One of my favorite lectures to give concerns the doctrines of foreknowledge, election, and predestination. Some (not all) of my Arminian and Calvinist students alike are surprised when I tell them I believe in these...
Show Kindness and Mercy: Benevolence or Redistribution?
In our winter 2025 Recommended Books post, senior contributor Jesse F. Owens praised Alex DiPrima’s Spurgeon and the Poor: How the Gospel Compels Christian Social Concern for its call to Christian social action. His laudatory summary caught my eye. These kinds of exhortations are exactly what we need to bring before our fellow believers. We need to remember that the second great commandment (Mk. 12:31) calls us to love our neighbor as...
Thomas Monck’s Apologia: A General Baptist Use of Reformed Orthodoxy to Defend the Trinity
Historian Ernest Gordon Rupp said of Thomas Monck’s Cure for the Cankering Error of the New Eutychians (1673), “No high churchman, no orthodox Anglican, not Daniel Waterland himself produced an abler defence of catholic doctrine.”[1] Monck’s Cure was a biblical and theological polemic against the rising tide of anti-Trinitarianism in England and the emergence of heretical Christology within his own denomination. Rupp’s assessment is...
Recommended Books (Winter 2025)
This winter we would like to share some good reads we discovered over the past few months. These selections represent a wide array of topics that we think will interest you. Some selections will be great for personal reading, others for family time. Most of all, we think they will broaden your understanding of God’s creation and His work in it because they have had that result in our lives. Please leave us your favorite reads in the...
Francis Schaeffer and Hans Rookmaaker: Intellectuals and Evangelists
The most significant intellectual relationship for Francis Schaeffer, outside of his wife, was easily his relationship with Hans Rookmaaker. The meeting of the two seemed providential. Edith Schaeffer records the event, Leaning against this historic wall, a young art critic for two Dutch newspapers, who was still taking his studies for his doctorate, chewed on his pipe and thoughtfully began to talk to Fran about art. They talked...
Hannah’s Children: Reviewing New Research on Why Women Choose Large Families
I have written before about big families. I guess I am interested because I am from a “big” family myself: I am the fourth of five siblings. I have also operated my whole life, in some capacity or other, in homeschooling circles, where you are much more likely to encounter larger-than-average families. Between four of the siblings in my family, we will be welcoming cousins number twelve and thirteen this summer; I hope that my own...
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