Welch College Commencement Address
by Paul Harrison President Pinson, Welch College family and friends, and esteemed graduates: As followers of Jesus the Christ, we are witnesses of and combatants in a great war. A massive and dark army is surging forward in our world, leaving devastation in its wake. Ruthless and malignant, they press on seeking to bend all to the evil will of their master. They have every follower of Jesus in their crosshairs, and many are falling on...
Welch College Graduate Breakfast Charge: Thankfulness
On Friday, May 6, 2022, Welch College graduated forty-one students. I had the privilege of giving the charge at the Graduate Breakfast the day before. What follows is an adapted version of my speech. I begin with these simple words: I am proud of you. Not only have you persevered through your program of study, which is hard enough; but you have done so amid the added pressures created by the difficult circumstances of the past several...
40 Questions About Arminianism by J. Matthew Pinson (Kregel Academic, 2022)
Reviewed by Dustin Walters In 40 Questions About Arminianism, author J. Matthew Pinson[1] has written a “survey of Arminianism that is more didactic than polemical, but which every reader will see engages at times in hard-edged debate” with scholars from differing perspectives.[2] This book examines “what brings all Arminians together” and is biblically, historically, and doctrinally satisfying.[3] Some might wonder why issues over...
Recommended Books (Spring 2022)
Beautiful days are back! Spring has sprung in most areas of the country, and we are all excited about the possibility of getting outside and soaking up some wonderful vitamin D. However, we should not let the outside lead us away from sharpening our minds and spirits through good books. Below you will find a collection of reading material that we have found beneficial. We hope you will find some to place on your reading list for the...
Glimmers of Grace: A Doctor’s Reflections on Faith, Suffering, and the Goodness of God
For the past few years I have been training to be a professional chaplain in a medical setting. One training regimen involved exposure in a level 1 trauma center and behavioral health unit. In my current professional setting, I work in Hospice care where I spend each day in this liminal space of death and dying. The patients I currently see are required to have a terminal diagnosis; given natural disease progression, these patients...
Thinking Biblically About Political Discord
Do you find yourself frustrated and exhausted by political discourse—even among Christians?[1] Are you concerned that some seem to think of themselves first as Democrats, Republicans, or Independents, and second as Christians? Few things create strife like conversations about faith and politics. For that reason, many learned as children not to discuss politics or religion in polite company. That advice is helpful but only to a point....
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