The Chief End of Man’s Education
The purpose of education is a complex issue. Christians have spent hundreds of years working through a biblical understanding of what the telos or end goal of education is. Some of the greatest minds of Christian history like Clement of Alexandria, Augustine of Hippo, and Thomas Aquinas wrote at length on the subject. Unfortunately, many Christians today have forgotten this long history of Christian thought and have allowed...
Book Review: Charles Malcolm Wingard, Help for the New Pastor
Needless to say, ministry is not easy, and it can be discouraging for the young pastor just starting out despite the many years of training at Bible college or seminary. You know how to prepare a sermon, but where should you start? You know you need to visit people, but how do you balance this with the much-needed office time to prepare for Sunday? Starting out in ministry can almost be like sitting down with a jigsaw puzzle right out...
Hypocrisy in the Twitterverse
Hypocrisy is the public display of virtuous actions or thoughts with the ultimate goal of drawing attention to one’s own moral superiority in contradistinction to others. Because it is sin, all peoples struggle at all times with the temptation of hypocrisy. However, the recent proliferation of portable communication devices and social platforms has made this particular vice especially enticing and pernicious. Our pride is stroked by...
Recommended Books (Autumn 2020)
Explorers have fallen on hard times in our culture. Perhaps we were so dazzled by the extent of our nineteenth- and twentieth-century feats that our capacity to wonder at the challenge of adventure has been short-circuited. More likely, though, most Americans, who are soaked in luxury and decadence, have lost the will to shed their cushy lifestyles and embrace the sacrifice of exploration. For, to survive perilous journey, we must...
A Study of Young Men and the Ministry
by Russell Houske Debate has arisen recently regarding the legal age of adulthood, specifically when we can rightly refer to someone as an adult. Some might argue that adulthood is a subjective idea that depends mostly on the maturity of the individual in question, with twenty-one years being only an arbitrary age for adulthood. The bulk of this debate deals with issues that relate only to the secular culture. Most concerns typically...
The History of Free Will Baptist Histories
If a stranger were to ask you who you are, how would you respond? You might begin with your name and occupation, but you would turn eventually to history. You would begin to explain where you came from and to whom you are connected biologically, intellectually, and spiritually. History tells us who we are, helps us explain ourselves to others, and gives us guidance. Our denominational history serves the same function. With a strong...
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