Translation and Interpretation: An Example from LXX-Proverbs
As I’ve noted elsewhere on the HSF, every translation involves some level of interpretation. This is inescapable. Because of this readers must understand translation committees’ aims when producing a translation. Some translations are upfront about their intentions. Others are willing to leave the obscurity for the reader to interpret for themselves. Regardless of their methodology, the committee must make interpretive decisions. This...
Book Review: Letters to an American Christian
The 2020 Iowa Democratic caucuses are now only days away, ushering in a new United States presidential primary season. This noteworthy contest can indicate how a presidential candidate will do later in the primary season. However, the question is: how interested will voters be this election year? More specifically, how will Christians view their roles in public life and American politics? I’ve reflected several times over the last few...
The Princess and the Goblin: “Seeing Is Not Believing”
Stylistically, The Princess and the Goblin, by George MacDonald, is that type of classic children’s literature that instantly transports me to the green leather couch in my parents’ living room, my feet tucked cozily in a fleece blanket and my mother’s voice bringing in the tide of fairy tale scenes on the shore of my childhood imagination. When I recently listened to the public domain audio recording online, although the charm of my...
Book Review: The Apologetics of Leroy Forlines
In my work as a teacher I have noticed a recent surge in Free Will Baptist students who are interested in apologetics. Anecdotally, I can count a handful of students who have graduated recently from Welch College and have gone on to earn (or are earning) master’s degrees in apologetics. While a number of variables may contribute to this sudden interest, these students are heirs to a certain kind of theological thinking concerning...
The Helwys Society Forum Welcomes Rebekah Zuñiga
From time to time the Forum welcomes a new contributor into our ranks. With Christa Thornbury’s pending departure, we knew that we would have big shoes to fill. However, we’ve been gratified in recent years to share with our readers the voices of a number of guest writers. They bring a diversity of perspective, knowledge, and experience that enriches us all. One such contributor has been Rebekah Zuñiga. We’re pleased to announce that...
In Honor of Christa Thornsbury
Several years ago, Christa Hill (now Thornsbury) joined the Helwys Society Forum as a regular contributor. All in all, she has authored about a dozen-and-a-half thoughtful, quality articles or book reviews. In addition to writing, she has contributed to the editing of nearly every post the HSF has published since she accepted the position—thank God for good editors! A month or two ago, Mrs. Thornsbury informed us that the time has...
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