Introducing Forgotten Moments in Free Will Baptist History
As longtime readers of the Forum will know, history is an important part of what we do. History is valuable for countless reasons, not least of which because it gives us a window into how the world we inhabit came to be. Some of the Forum contributors are historians by training, but all of us are committed to historical inquiry. It is not merely an intellectual endeavor or pursuit but also a spiritual one. In September, we have...
Edward John Carnell: An Apologist for Our Time
If you’re new to the enterprise of apologetics, you might not readily think that you could do apologetics in a variety of ways. But once you begin reading, you’ll quickly realize that Christians have employed a wide array of methods throughout history to defend the faith. These methods include Classical apologetics, often associated with men like Thomas Aquinas, and hard-presuppositional apologetics, usually associated with Cornelius...
Solutions for Anxiety
The most common command in the Bible is “do not worry” or “do not be afraid.” Why would Jesus tell us not to worry when His own “sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground” in the garden of Gethsemane (Lk. 22:44)? The truth is that Jesus knows we will worry. Nobody is immune from the anxieties of this world. However, there is comfort when the Maker of the universe reminds us to focus on Him instead of on our anxieties. In...
Why Church Administration?
by Jeff Nichols Why did you enter ministry? To make a difference? To help people? To introduce people to Jesus? There may be many things on your list, but somewhere close to the top of that list is to obey Christ’s command to make disciples. That’s why you are giving your life to this grand adventure called ministry. You want to tell people the good news of Jesus Christ. You want to see them be baptized and grow by leaps and bounds as...
Reflections from Little Rock: The 82nd National Association of Free Will Baptists
Free Will Baptists observed their eighty-second national convention in Little Rock, Arkansas, on July 22-25. The theme was “Called,” based in 2 Timothy 1:9: “who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity” (NASB). Between the National Convention and the Vertical Three Conference, attendance was over 4,700...
Revisiting “Is Technology Neutral?” Seven Years Later
Recently I was surprised by what another Forum contributor told me. I learned that “Is Technology Neutral?” an article I published on October 2011, was our highest viewed post ever. I was astonished. Other Forum articles have elicited more comments. Others have addressed topics of broader appeal. I’m even sure it wasn’t the best-written piece we’ve ever published! Why the interest, then? I wondered how general Internet searches might...
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