Recommended Books (Summer 2018)
Books have an interesting ability to speak into our lives. Obviously, we often select works that promise insight into specific subjects with which we are grappling, but sometimes we accidentally stumble on books that almost seem to be specially written to address particular situations we are facing. This means that each new book holds unbounded promise between its pages. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed these selections over the past few...
An Apology for the Arts
If you’ve been following the Helwys Society Forum for any amount of time, you’ve likely seen that we like to write about the arts. We’ve written about music, film, painting, literature, dance, and more. You may have wondered why we include such articles on a forum that so frequently deals with important theological issues and ministry matters. This puzzlement may be the result of your thinking that art is all well and good but not all...
Sola Scriptura?
Sola Scriptura (“Scripture alone”) is one of what have become known as the “five solas” of the Protestant Reformation. The meaning of sola Scriptura is essentially that Scripture alone is our supreme guide for Christian faith and practice. Put another way, the church’s doctrine should be in accordance with Scripture and founded upon Scripture rather than on any mere human tradition. Now this is not to say that tradition has no bearing...
A Band of Sisters: The Early Years of the Cumberland District Ladies Aid Society
The Women Nationally Active for Christ serves as the national organization for women’s ministry among Free Will Baptists. The organization was formed in 1935 in conjunction with the founding of the National Association of Free Will Baptists (NAFWB). The diligent work of many women from states like North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas culminated in the formation of this organization. But no group had a larger influence than the women...
Making Decisions and the Will of God (Part II)
Believers sense on a regular basis that God has some sort of plan for their lives, and they genuinely want to be a part of this plan. Furthermore, many believers have been taught to seek out God’s individual will for their lives in order to participate in the Christian life. In Part II of this series (see Part I), we’ll look at some Biblical and theological considerations related to decision-making and the will of God. Biblical...
Making Decisions and the Will of God (Part I)
A few years ago I asked a friend about his plans after graduating from seminary. He responded, “I’m still waiting on God to reveal His will in this area.” His response surprised me. My friend was ready to graduate with a master’s degree and had spent four years poring through books, papers, and syllabi. Yet by this time he was still unable to discern God’s will. My intent in using this particular experience is not to attack this...
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