Sola Fide (Faith Alone): The Past, Present, and Future Hope of the Gospel (Part I/II)
by Kevin L. Hester Outside of sola scriptura, the reformation principle of sola fide stands as the most central and divisive doctrinal distinction between Protestants and Roman Catholics today. In addition, the development of the Protestant doctrine of justification by faith alone impacted soteriology and pushed Christian doctrine forward in ways not seen in the Church since the great ecumenical councils.[1] Luther’s ressourcement of...
The Reformers View of Religious Liberty
It was time for the believers living in Rome to stop arguing. Some Jewish Christians were reluctant to give up some ceremonial aspects of their faith, but others were not so reluctant. One disagreement involved the food they ate. Paul spoke into this unstable dispute, “I know and am convinced in the Lord that nothing is unclean in itself; but to him who thinks anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean” (Rom. 14:14).[1] Paul was not...
Loving Your Pastor and His Family
This month marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. As doctrinal truths about the nature of salvation were rediscovered, so to speak, so were doctrines about the church and its governance. As the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers became more clearly understood, clergy roles were redefined. Some churches were now led not by “Fathers” but instead by Christian brothers who were given the task of shepherding...
Remembering the Reformation at 500
Most Forum readers will be aware of the fact that October 31 marks a significant occasion. While many will trick or treat, believers of many Christian traditions recognize this to be the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. This event has profound historical significance for world history, but for believers it means so much more. The life and legacy of Martin Luther no doubt stand at the center of the events which took...
Cultivating Mission
by Matthew McAffee and Matthew Steven Bracey The mission of Welch College is to educate leaders to serve Christ, His church, and His world through biblical thought and life. Our institution has faithfully executed this mission now for seventy-five years. The names, faces, and location have all changed considerably since L. C. Johnson initiated this project in Free Will Baptist higher education in 1942, but the mission has not. This...
The Real Force in Education
In 1942, Free Will Baptists founded Welch College to provide a Christian response to secular education. During the previous century, many Christian institutions attempted to retain their Christian identity by requiring chapel attendance or enforcing strict moral regulations on campus while simultaneously rejecting orthodox Christianity in the classroom. Unsurprisingly, almost every major “Christian” institution in America abandoned...
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