Lessons from a Pastoral Succession
by Josh Baer
Pastoral transitions are inevitable. All pastors leave at some point, whether through resignation, retirement, or even death. While this has always been the case, we are facing a potential crisis. Our churches will likely undergo a massive transfer of pastoral leadership in the next decade as more pastors than ever reach retirement age.[1]
This potential crisis is too important to ignore or avoid. The transfer of leadership from one pastor to another is one of the most critical times in the life of a church. It can be a catalyst, launching a church into a new season of healthy ministry. It can also be fraught with danger, crippling a church for a season, or longer. The danger is only heightened the longer a church goes without having a pastor.
On this point, retiring pastors have an advantage and an opportunity. They can forecast and plan their departure months, or even years in advance. Because of this, retiring pastors have an opportunity to minimize the risk involved in a pastoral transition by taking part in a pastoral succession.
A pastoral succession involves an overlap of the ministry of the outgoing pastor and that of the incoming pastor. The new pastor serves alongside the current pastor as he transitions to retirement, providing a chance for the outgoing pastor to “pass the baton” of leadership to the incoming pastor. In the past, pastoral successions were typical primarily in larger churches. However, more and more churches of all sizes are utilizing a succession model, especially when the outgoing pastor is retiring.[2]
A Little Background
I experienced this process first hand when I had the privilege to be part of a pastoral succession that culminated in 2015. I served as Associate/Music Pastor of Cramerton FWB Church for 10 years under the leadership of Pastor Danny Dwyer. In January 2015, Dr. Dwyer announced his retirement, effective at the end of June 2015. By early February the pulpit committee was interviewing me. I preached before the church in late February as a pastoral candidate, and in early March the church voted me in as the new pastor, effective July 1, 2015.
Dr. Dwyer and I had an official three months of transition. However, he had been unofficially preparing the church and me for this potential transition for years. Looking back, I learned several valuable lessons from our transition.
Providing Clarity
We’ve all probably heard of a pastoral succession that did not go as planned. It usually sounds like this: A pastor indicates he is ready to retire. He and the church seek out his replacement. The successor comes on board. Everything is going according to plan, until the outgoing pastor decides it’s not quite time to step down. Without a clear timeline, the incoming pastor is then caught in no man’s land—Does he move on to another ministry? Or does he hang around indefinitely?
The answer to this problem: clarity. Achieving clarity takes intentional, clear communication from all parties. The outgoing pastor needs to be honest and realistic about his timeline, avoiding the temptation to overpromise and under-deliver. The incoming pastor also needs to be honest about his expectations, concerns, and questions. The church and/or board should be clear about the hiring process, timelines, and transfer protocols.
At Cramerton Church, Dr. Dwyer was upfront with me about his anticipated retirement date, years in advance. His transparency gave me the opportunity to pray and plan towards the future. As his anticipated retirement approached, he increasingly communicated with our staff, our board, our congregation, and me. I attribute much of the success of our transition to his clear communication.
Showing Humility
The outgoing pastor must embody humility to step aside. Though Dr. Dwyer had reached the classic retirement age, he had several years of meaningful ministry still in him. It was incredibly humble and bold for him to move into a new phase of ministry and hand off the leadership of our church. He could just as easily have led our ministry for years to come. However, stepping aside when he did allowed the church to move forward with little to no loss of momentum. I believe it showed great wisdom to sense and follow the Lord’s timing.
In addition, the incoming pastor must also embody humility to understand his place, both before and after the transition. In retrospect, I did not fully realize what I was getting into. I had studied ministry for years in seminary. I had served as an associate pastor for nearly fifteen years in multiple churches. I had learned lessons of leadership from several sources, courses, books, and mentors. But I was an “armchair quarterback” with respect to being the lead pastor. I had so many more answers back then, and I did not even know all the questions.
As I moved to “the other side of the desk,” I was humbled to realize the pressures and demands in leading our ministry. I have always had a deep respect for Dr. Dwyer, but my appreciation and respect for him has grown as I have followed him as the pastor of our church. I love what God has called me to do, but it is more nuanced and challenging than I ever imagined. My advice to “pastors in waiting” is to pray for your pastor. Show support, respect, and humility with your pastor. One day you will be in his shoes.
Setting up the Successor to Succeed
While Dr. Dwyer did not appoint me to be the next pastor of Cramerton FWB Church, he positioned me to be his successor. He gave me ample opportunities to grow into leadership roles. He used me more and more frequently as a preacher in Sunday services. He did not balk at my opportunities to conduct weddings for church members. He recognized and acknowledged me as a fellow minister of the gospel. He did all this for years, long before I was elected as his official successor. From where I sit now, I realize that took a healthy sense of identity not to be threatened by another’s rise in prominence. But his willingness to empower me and to help grow my ministry and capacity as a leader not only helped me. It also helped our church experience a smoother transition.
Honoring the Past without Being Threatened by the Past
I can see how it would be easy to be threatened by the previous pastor. Our leadership styles, preaching styles, and decisions are different. Naturally some of our church family have preferred him in some or all of these areas. But I am helping no one if I am threatened by his legacy. I have learned to be genuinely happy that our people honor, respect, and love their former pastor(s). One day I will be their former pastor. This is not “my” church. I am a steward of this great opportunity. And I am just one in a line of other stewards who have pastored and will pastor this church family.
Growing Into the New Role
Our church has been incredibly patient with me, allowing me to grow into the role of lead pastor. I had been an associate my entire ministry career. It took time for me to adjust. I have made my share of mistakes along the way, and I have learned an incredible amount in my three years as pastor. It also took time for our church to adjust. In many ways, the fact I had been there so long cut down on the “honeymoon” period that is typical with new church pastorates. In other ways, it did not take me as long to establish myself as the pastor because of my history with the church. I certainly benefited from Dr. Dwyer’s willingness to share leadership and responsibilities during our time together.
It’s Never Too Early to Start Planning
Pastoral transitions are inevitable. Pastoral successions can work. I have seen that first-hand. And while each church is unique, I believe every church and pastor would benefit from thinking ahead and considering a pastoral succession plan. While not abundant, there are some great resources for deeper study.[3] One day, I will step down as pastor of Cramerton Church. Though I hope that day is decades away, I am struck by the fact that my time here is limited. If I am to be a good steward of this opportunity, I believe that I must think towards the time when I am gone. There’s no reason that cannot begin now.
About the Author: Josh Baer is the Lead Pastor of Cramerton FWB Church in Cramerton, NC. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Southeastern FWB College, a Master’s from Bob Jones University, and is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Kristie, have three children. Josh enjoys golf and game shows (he’s been a contestant on Wheel of Fortune and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire). He is passionate about reaching people for Christ and equipping them for lifelong growth and service in the body of Christ.
[1]Barna recently reported 50% of protestant pastors are age 56 or older, up from 24% in 1992. “The Aging of America’s Pastors,” March 1, 2017; https://www.barna.com/research/aging-americas-pastors/; accessed May 31, 2018; Internet.
[2]While the focus of this essay and my personal experience is a pastoral succession in conjunction with retirement, there are opportunities for succession planning in other scenarios. This would be most likely when the outgoing pastor is transitioning to a different phase in ministry (e.g., professor, evangelist, missionary, or denominational leader), rather than moving on to another church.
[3]Three of my favorites are: William Vanderblomen and Warren Bird, Next: Pastoral Succession that Works (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2014); Bob Russell and Bryan Bucher, Transition Plan: Seven Secrets Every Leader Needs to Know (Louisville, KY: Ministers Label, 2010); and Carolyn Weese and J. Russell Crabtree, The Elephant in the Boardroom: Speaking the Unspoken about Pastoral Transitions (San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2004).
June 12, 2018
Great and timely article, Josh. This is necessary reading that requires thoughtful planning for those of us who have had extended times of ministry already.
It has been a joy to watch the smooth and vibrant transition of God’s church there in Cramerton into your stewardship. We’re also grateful for the new opportunity of ministry that our Father has afforded to Bro. Dwyer leading our Rekindle Revitalization ministry.