Phillip T. Morgan
Associate Editor, Senior Contributor

Phillip T. Morgan lives with his wife Megan, and their five children Isaiah, Julia, Deborah, Hadassah, and Maria on a small farm in Robertson County, Tennessee. They are actively involved in the ministries of Oaklawn Free Will Baptist Church and their local association. Phillip serves as the History Program Coordinator and Humanities and Arts Degree Program Coordinator at Welch College where he teaches. A former small businessman, he is currently pursuing Ph.D. studies in history at Kansas State University (ABD) and holds degrees from Middle Tennessee State University (M.A., History) and Welch College (B.S., Music Performance, Biblical Studies).
He has co-authored two books: Light and Truth: A Seventy-five Year Pictorial History of Welch College (Welch College Press, 2018) with J. Matthew Pinson and The Cumberland Association: Celebrating 175 Years of Leadership, Ministry and Service (RHM, 2018) with Roy W. Harris. He also contributed chapters in Arminian Baptists (Randall House, 2022) and The Promise of Arminian Theology (Randall House Academic, 2016) and has written a number of popular articles in ONE Magazine as well as for the Helwys Society Forum ( His interests include animal husbandry, economics, gardening, philosophy, politics, theology, and southern agrarianism.
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