Book Reviews
The Trinity by Olson and Hall: A Review
I shall lightlier and sooner draw all the water of the sea and bring it into this pit than thou shalt bring the mystery of the Trinity and his divinity into thy little understanding as to the regard thereof; for the mystery of the Trinity is greater and larger to the comparison of thy wit and brain than is this great sea unto this little pit. A child reportedly spoke these words to Saint Augustine in regards to the doctrine of the Trinity, at least according to folklore.[1] Of all the mysteries wrapped into the infinitude that is...
read moreRecommended Books (Winter 2016)
At the Helwys Society Forum we firmly believe that theology is for all of life. Leroy Forlines’s Biblical Ethics deftly explains how the four basic relationships (man with God, man with man, man with creation, and man with himself) are governed by the four basic values (holiness, love, wisdom, and ideals), bringing our entire life experience under God’s direction. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that many of our Winter 2016 book recommendations concern theology and its implications for various aspects of living. On the other hand, we...
read moreRecommended Books (Autumn 2015)
Orthodoxy (right teaching) and orthopraxy (right actions) are ever present concerns and topics of discussion for Christians. The New Testament is replete with pleas for the church to protect the sound doctrine that had been handed down to them and to live in accordance with the Scriptures. One generation later, Clement of Rome (ad 95) rebuked the Corinthian church: though they used to have “[t]he commandments and the ordinances of the Lord…written on the tablets of [their] hearts,” they had since “abandoned the fear of God…[by] neither...
read moreArminian and Baptist: Explorations of a Theological Tradition: A Book Review
by Tim Campbell For many years, Arminianism has struggled to assume an accepted place at the theological table. The primary reason is not that Arminianism has simply been trumped by the popularity of Calvinism, but that many scholars hold a very limited and biased view of Jacobus Arminius and his theological progenies. In addition, only a few Arminians have attempted to articulate a full-orbed examination of Arminianism, particularly of Classical or Reformed Arminianism, and most particularly Arminianism in the Baptist tradition. J. Matthew...
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by Dustin Walters Many view Jacobus Arminius with an inaccurate perspective, interpreting his theology as some form of semi- or outright Pelagianism. This common error among Calvinists and others stems from a refusal to interact with Arminius’ actual writings. Dr. J. Matthew Pinson provides readers with a healthy corrective to the mainstream understanding of Arminius’ theology in Arminian and Baptist: Explorations in a Theological Tradition. Dr. Pinson serves Welch College’s fifth president (2002-present). After attending Welch College in the...
read moreRecommended Books (Summer 2015)
You may have noticed that a sizable proportion of books carried by bookstores (Christian and non-Christian alike) are very poor in quality. The reason, of course, is that cheap easy books sell better than more demanding titles. As Donald Stauffer wrote in The Nature of Poetry, “A debased currency will always drive out the genuine article, and there are plenty of ways today to get others to do our thinking and our feeling for us.”[1] We all struggle from time to time with wanting to take the easy way out. However, to be good stewards of our...
read moreReclaiming the Sufficiency of Scripture: Book Review
Few books are being published today on the sufficiency of Scripture. Canon, hermeneutics, and other topics within biblical theology are much more in vogue. While the interest in these topics is positive in some respects, what doth it profit evangelicalism if it loses the soul of Scripture? The soul of Scripture is our willingness to let it impact our thought and conduct in every realm of life since it is truly God’s Word. Free Will Baptists should be grateful that its denominational publishing arm, Randall House Publications, has helped make...
read moreBook Recommendations (Spring 2015)
School’s out for summer! Whether we spent the last several months slogging through assigned reading, reading students’ assignments, or helping our children with homework, we all feel a sense of relief when the semester finally ends. However, don’t let that relief translate into a lazy reading regimen! Below we at the Helwys Society Forum have provided some of our recent finds and favorite repeat-reads from the last several months. Find something to help you profitably spend those hours on the beach, mountains, or front porch. You’ll notice...
read moreA Change of Heart: Book Review
Many have observed a burgeoning interest in ancient Christianity in the last decade or two. Specifically, this interest has focused on the early church period. In addition to conferences, symposia, and the inclusion of Patristic studies emphases within institutional curricula, InterVarsity Press has published numerous ancient commentaries on Scripture and biblical doctrine. Yet apart from the conversion of one Methodist theologian, much of this would have likely been a fad instead of a trend. The book jacket of A Change of Heart: A Personal...
read moreBook Recommendations (Winter 2015)
Learning to apply the principles of Scripture to our daily lives is a matter that demands serious contemplation and commitment. We desire to be good stewards of what God has given us, including our abilities, opportunities, finances, and responsibilities. Often it can be helpful to work through the implications of biblical principles with a friend—two heads are better than one after all. This quarter’s selection of recommended books represents many from whom we have learned these past few months. Our recommendations span the last two...
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